Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Makeup Tutorial: Natural Korean Makeup

Hello people! This tutorial has been in my draft for quite some time and now I've decided to publish it. I guess everyone always wanted to have perfect flawless skin like those korean. So here is it ! Tutorial to achieve flawless skin with natural makeup. To achieve that dewy healthy skin, the trick is you must not skip the skincare steps  before you start your makeup. So let's get started with the skincare first !

1. Wash your face.
2. Put on a moisturizing mask for 15 to 20 mins. (hope this pic doesnt scare you!)
3. Apply toner.
4. Apply moisturizer.
5. Gentle pad your face to let them absorb into your skin.
6. Tadaaaa! The moisturized, healthy skin of mine hehehehe

So now it's time for your makeup!

1. Apply cc cream
2. Gently swirl them and they will turn into your natural skin tone! How amazing.
3. Apply primer to your eyelids.
4. Fill in your brows. Koreans have fuller and straight eyebrow. So shape them and fill them in. Make sure the colour suits your hair colour!
5. Apply copper brown colour eyeshadow all over your lids.
6. Draw a very thin eyeliner across your lash line.

7. Curl your lashes and apply general coats of mascara!
8. Apply highlighter on your cheekbone and nose bridge. Im here using the high beam from Benefits.
9. Blend them away using dapping motion. This will create the natural grow on your face.

Lastly, apply pink blush and pink lipstick and now you're done! It is time for some photosssssssss.

Hope you girls enjoy this tutorial and dont forget to leave some comments below!

Cheers. <3